Don't forget to schedule time for photography during the wedding

· Remember that the photographer must have time in your planning schedule
It can be easy to plan a full day or two and forget that photography should have time too. Remember that the photographer must have time in your planning schedule. Feel free to talk to your wedding photographer before you have all the schedule nailed down. There is a lot to consider in order to get magical images
· Try to stay on schedule by sticking to planned schedules
With a tingling stomach, the feeling of being nervous and all the guests who want to touch you and congratulate you, it can be easy to miss what you planned. Can be helpful if you have a person to help you follow schedules. There will be significantly less thoughts in your head about how everything should go according to plan.
· Try to have fun during the shoot
Surely you become stiff in front of the camera in most cases? It probably doesn't get any better when you're asked to check it out. Wedding photography is not a passport photo and therefore should not be tense nor difficult but fun and relaxed. Take your eyes off the camera, be active with your partner and then magic happens.
· Take pictures throughout the wedding - create a story for many years to come
Many prefer to have pictures from the wedding and lower the priority on preparations, the engagement pictures, mingling, dinner, sunset and the first waltz, that's when something happens that is valuable to have. In addition, you get a much better story with images that become complete.
You can see a full day wedding story for inspiration and examples of the magical images here.